4 Reasons to outsource your cell-tower lease abstraction and administration

4 Reasons to outsource your cell-tower lease abstraction and administration

Are you considering outsourcing your cell-tower lease portfolio management process, but are not sure if it is the right move for you? This blog post discusses four most-common reasons why industry-leading cell tower companies are leaning towards an outsourced tower lease portfolio management model.

Here’s how outsourcing your cell-tower lease abstraction and administration process can benefit you.

Infuse flexibility into your tower lease management process

When you outsource your cell-tower lease portfolio management process, you essentially make it more flexible. Your lease administration and abstraction vendor can help you to effectively augment your existing resources if you already have a full-time lease portfolio management team in-house and manage temporary workload spikes–such as those due to an acquisition, merger, or even a resource shortage due to the Holiday season, effectively.

Make your lease portfolio management process more scalable 

You can bring a lease abstraction and administration vendor onboard to supplement your existing team and ramp up your lease portfolio management process while drastically cutting down new resource add-on costs.

Leverage your vendor’s subject matter expertise

Your area of expertise is telecom, while your vendor’s is lease abstraction and administration. So, you benefit from their vast experience and knowledge of industry-wide best practices that they bring to bear while partnering with you.

Meet your timelines efficiently as you are always working at full capacity

Working with an experienced cell-tower lease abstraction and administration vendor helps you ramp your cell-tower lease management process up or down depending on your requirement, at any time. This scalability ensures you never miss a beat managing your cell-tower lease portfolio. Whether there’s a need to fill-in for maternity/paternity leave or a sudden, unexpected, resource turn-over, your vendor is there to bridge the gap.